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CAM Module: Compassion – Acceptance – Mindfulness

CAM Module: Compassion – Acceptance – Mindfulness

CAM Module: Compassion – Acceptance – Mindfulness


This module supports your full presence in the present moment, helps you to define your values, and suggests new ways for you to feel better and move forward in the direction of your values and goals.

The module consists of two parts:

1) Values: What are your most important values?

2) Ways to address difficulties and move in the direction of your values.

The module includes activities and experiential exercises to better assimilate each step and practice being present in the moment. The module’s activities are organized in the same order in which they are presented in this manual. Discussions are planned for each activity, and they take place either in groups or pairs. At the end of each activity, therapists will review what you learned, what you liked and what your least favorite activity was, and share what was experienced. Homework will be provided to facilitate practicing the lessons learned from the activities. At the end of each activity, a snack will be served to allow participants an opportunity to mingle and exchange experiences.

Learning Objectives:

After completing the activities in this module, each participant should be able to achieve the following objectives:

1. The participant will be able to be more present in the moment.

2. The participant will be able to recognize their most important values.

3. The participant will know and be able to implement new strategies to feel better.

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